Abstract—Logistics sector, is a market where the competition is high. Flexibility, fully and timely delivery and increasing e-trade applications in logistics operations change the customer expectations. At this point, logistics enterprises are expected to benefit from information technologies in their operations. Information technologies connect together all the different components (supply chain, headquarters and vehicles) in transportation chain. Accordingly; efficiency and productivity of transportation operations increase. This study analyses the relation between the use of information technologies to ensure customer satisfaction in logistics firms and the business performance. As a result of this research, significant relations have been found between the information technology applications utilized by the logistic firms in their land route operations and performance indicators of the business. Also, recommendations concerning the potential benefits logistic firms can gain in the performance indicators by supporting their business activities with information technologies have been included in the study.
Index Terms—Firm performance, information technology, logistics management.
B. Kalkan is with Logistics Programme, Başkent University, Kazan Vocational School, Ankara, Turkey (e-mail: mbernakalkan@gmail.com).
Cite: Berna Kalkan, "The Relation between Use of Information Technologies in Logistics Firms, Customer Satisfaction and Business Performance," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.9, no.1, pp. 14-19, 2018.