Abstract—Using time-series and co-integration test from 1981 to 2013, this manuscript examines the long-run relations between FDI, GDP and export volume of Indonesia. The impact of Indonesian export volume and FDI on Indonesian GDP were measured in this article, it has been found that export volume and FDI have significant influence on economic growth of Indonesia. In addition, according to Johansen co-integration test, there is long-run relationship between GDP, FDI and export volume of Indonesia. The empirical findings are consistent with other academic articles.
Index Terms—International economics, international trade, GDP, FDI, export volume.
Salih Kalayci is with Bursa Technical University, Turkey (e-mail: salih.kalayci@btu.edu.tr).
Cite: Iman Naufal Mahadika, Salih Kalayci and Nihal Altun, "Relationship between GDP, Foreign Direct Investment and Export Volume: Evidence from Indonesia," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.8, no.1, pp. 51-54, 2017.