• ISSN: 2010-023X (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Trade, Economics and Financ.
    • Frequency: Quaterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJTEF
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof.Tung-Zong (Donald) Chang
    • Managing Editor: Ms. Shira. W. Lu
    • Abstracting/ Indexing:  Crossref, CNKI, EBSCO

    • Article Processing Charge (APC): 500 USD

    • E-mail: ijtef.editorial.office@gmail.com

IJTEF 2013 Vol.4(5): 319-324 ISSN: 2010-023X
DOI: 10.7763/IJTEF.2013.V4.309

FinancialLiteracyand Satisfaction in Malaysia: A Pilot Study

Azwadi Ali, Mohd S. A. Rahman, and Alif Bakar

Abstract—This paper reports the results of a pilot study examining the factors that contribute to the level of financial literacy among selected Malaysian public and its relationship with financial satisfaction. Among pre-identified antecedents of financial literacy, financial planning was found to exhibit the strongest effect on the literacy level. The literacy level then explains reliably the level of financial satisfaction among the 199 respondents selected for the study.The actual study intends to collect at least 100 responses from each of the 14 states in Malaysia. From the pilot study’s results, we are convinced with the viability of the existing model, though a few modifications are suggested and discussed further together with the implications of these findings at the end of this paper.

Index Terms—Financial education, financial planning, personal finance, wealth management.

The authors are with the Faculty of Management and Economics, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia (e-mail: azwadi@umt.edu.my, shaari@umt.edu.my, akhtar_alif78@yahoo.com).


Cite:Azwadi Ali, Mohd S. A. Rahman, and Alif Bakar, "FinancialLiteracyand Satisfaction in Malaysia: A Pilot Study," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.4, no.5, pp. 319-324, 2013.

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