Abstract—In the paper, we report changes of stock prices due
to the coronavirus spread which happened in 2020, using the
machine learning approach based on the hierarchical clustering.
The data we used are the top 72 global automobile
manufactures' stock prices from 2019 November to 2020 March
which were under the coronavirus’s first impact. The involved
countries are Germany, Japan, US, China, and Korea. One
clear result is that the turmoil gave distinctively different effects
on the individual country of automakers. We could identify five
different clusters of stock price movements, that are
country-based clusters. While we traced the time series changes
of the clusters, we found the interesting thing. The
country-based clusters had the different movement, but when
the turmoil started, it became the same movement and the
overall correlation coefficient became positive. In addition, we
found that at the beginning of the turmoil, most clearly the
country-based clusters appeared. This result is expected to give
some insights to the issue of international linkages between the
movements of the markets’ prices by the coronavirus turmoil.
Index Terms—Coronavirus, hierarchical clustering,
automakers, stock prices, Hierarchical Rick Parity.
The authors are with Gakushuin Univerity, Japan (e-mail:
murakami.akane.1031@gmail.com, yukari.shirota@gakushuin.ac.jp).
Cite: Akane Murakami and Yukari Shirota, "An Analysis of Coronavirus Effects on Global Automakers," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.13, no.3, pp. 56-60, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).