Abstract—Peer-to-peer business models enable exchange of goods, services and financial resources between individuals through a platform managed by an third party, an intermediary. This paper explores cases of peer-to-peer business models in finance and hospitality industry. The paper suggests that peer-to-peer business models were accelerated through development of information and communication technology, maintain characteristics of hybrid business models with combination of social and for-profit business aspect, and are attributed to the new economy that facilitates sharing culture. There are several common characteristics that peer-to-peer models sustain. These characteristics can be concised under acronym SHARE, where S stays for Social sharing, H – for Harmony with values, A – for Amazing experience, R – for Revolutionary concept, and E – for Enabling consumer.
Index Terms—Business model, peer-to-peer, hospitality industry, finance industry.
Olga Novikov is with Hanken School of Economics, PB 479 FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland (phone: 358-09-431-331; fax: 358-09-431-33-333; e-mail: name.surname@hanken.fi).
Cite: Olga Novikov, "Peer-to-Peer Business Model: Navigating between Social and Economic Pressures," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.13, no.2, pp. 52-55, 2022.
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